Today's Prayer TimesRabī ath-Thānī 2, 1446 | Full Timetable > | |||||
Fajr | Sunrise | Zuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha | |
5:21 am | 7:19 am | 1:00 pm | 4:35 pm | 6:36 pm | 8:07 pm | |
6:45 am | 2:00 pm | 4:45 pm | 6:36 pm | 8:30 pm |
Today's Prayer TimesRabī ath-Thānī 2, 1446 | ||
Prayer | Begins | Jamaat |
Fajr | 5:21 am | 6:45 am |
Sunrise | 7:19 am | |
Zuhr | 1:00 pm | 2:00 pm |
Asr | 4:35 pm | 4:45 pm |
Maghrib | 6:36 pm | 6:36 pm |
Isha | 8:07 pm | 8:30 pm |
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